Full Service Social Media Marketing

Michelle Zaporojets

April 25, 2017

So you have your business' social accounts set up and running smoothly - Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and maybe even Pinterest! But as your brand grows exponentially, people may start wondering who the face behind the brand is. Who is the Founder? Who's running the marketing? Who's the CFO? These questions call all be answered with one simple term:

Executive Social.

As your business grows, you want to start thinking about creating a social presence for C-suite leaders. If used correctly, executives can use social media to build brand awareness, connect with customers, and nurture strategic relationships (some that may convert into sales). Here are a few easy steps you (the Executive) can take to efficiently manage your social accounts:

What needs to be done daily?

Check your notifications at least once per day. We know you're busy people, so it's easiest to block a standing 15 minute appointment in your calendar to remind yourself to go in everyday - perhaps in the morning or over lunch. Respond to any mentions that you feel require attention, and share and/or comment on any tagged content you feel is worthy. Think of this like checking your emails - it needs to be done!

Besides checking your notifications, it's important to engage with other users. For Twitter, we recommend engaging with 1-2 pieces from your newsfeed, or if you can't find anything worth sharing here, search relevant industry hashtags. As for LinkedIn, it's helpful to join LinkedIn groups to gain content from and to participate in to raise brand awareness. Groups give you the chance to engage with new audiences - some of which have upwards of 50,000 members! Note: others can see the groups that you're a part of, so keep it professional and on brand.

What needs to be done weekly?

Once a week, you'll need to spend some time curating the content that you'll be sharing on your social profiles. We suggest blocking your calendar for 30-60 minutes per week to search for content that you find of interest, and more importantly, content that your followers will likely engage with. Then schedule these posts using Hootsuite or Buffer, so you automatically have content going out throughout the week and don't have to worry about it on a daily basis.

To easily gather content, search relevant hashtags, sign up for industry newsletters, and simply search relevant terms on Google News. We also suggest utilizing a content curation tool, like BuzzSumo. It's a handy tool that will help you search out relevant industry blogs and articles to add to your content calendars.

We'd recommend putting together a database or editorial calendar to keep track of the pieces you've shared, and when.

And that's it! Simple, right? All you need is about 2 hours per week and a little bit of persistence to maximize on a fantastic method of spreading the word about your business.

Fun fact: 90% of our own clients have come through connections nurtured at least partially through social media. So we know it works!

We help numerous executives with their social media efforts. If you need any help getting started, or if you're thinking of outsourcing your Executive Social, contact us!


#executive #social #Twitter #linkedin #Socialmedia #socialmediatips #business #startup

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