Full Service Social Media Marketing

Case Study: The Most Successful Paid Campaigns We've Ever Run


May 28, 2020

Wait, you got HOW many likes on that post?

This month, we get to present the results from the most successful campaigns we’ve ever run for one of our clients. And we’re excited about it. Let’s take a look.

This client preserves and promotes the history of women in medicine. During a strategy call, we discussed how we wanted to show up online during COVID-19. What did we want to say? How did we want to show support for women in medicine?

We created a campaign called #FemaleFacesOnTheFrontline. The idea was to draw attention to all the women in medicine working tirelessly to support those suffering during COVID-19. You’ve probably seen the photos of overtired faces, bruised from wearing masks for too long. They’re upsetting. But by showcasing them, we are sharing their stories. This is history in the making and we need to be aware of what’s going on behind the scenes. We also need to be able to say thank you.

Here’s what we did:

*Campaign names have been hidden to protect client privacy.

With just $500, we saw over 9,000 post engagements (likes/reactions, comments and shares) and over 50,000 impressions. All at a cost per result of $.05 or less.

With just $500, we saw over 9,000 post engagements and over 50,000 impressions. All at a cost per result of $.05 or less.

For perspective, our average post engagements on an organic post, where no ad spend is utilized, is about 50-100. Still very strong, but nowhere near the results we saw by adding budget.

Why does this matter?

Brand awareness.

This reach allows us to tap into an entirely new (and MUCH larger) audience for future campaigns, and provides us a fresh network of potential future donors for this not-for-profit organization. To find out more about this organization and their incredible initiative, find them on Facebook.

Why did these campaigns work?

Well, for a few reasons.

  1. One trick here is nailing your audience. We always start by clearly identifying our target market when we work with a client. And then by regularly monitoring our audience stats on social networks and through web traffic, we’re able to confirm this. Then we use that data to build custom audiences that target exactly who we’re trying to get in front of.
  2. It’s imperative to check in on your ads consistently, and optimize. We always create multiple versions of copy, use various images, and if possible - different calls to action. Then after the ad has been running for a few days (sometimes longer), we check back and see what’s working best. We might see one version of creative that stands out and is getting very favorable results, while another is costing more for less results. In that case, we might turn off one and allow more budget to flow to the stronger one. Same goes for audiences. We can and will play with all of these things to ensure we are getting the best “bang for our (clients) buck” and ultimately, reaching our goals faster.
  3. This ad itself was powerful from conception. It evoked emotion. It was relatable. It told a story. We used a strong call to action, strong visuals and it resonated with people.

Is this happening for all ad campaigns right now?

And another part of the success of this campaign was the timing. It’s no secret that COVID-19 has impacted our world on many fronts. One impact it’s had that you might not have been aware of, is that Cost Per Result metrics are at an all time low. Why? Because we’re all online more than ever before. So not only is it more important to get in front of people online, it’s also cheaper to do so.

Take a look at another example. This client is an e-commerce company, so we run campaigns for them on a regular basis, spending about $5000/month. We are used to seeing our CPR come in at about $5-10/conversion. Which in this case is a huge win with their average cart value being higher than $100.

But look at what we saw this past month.

*Campaign names have been hidden to protect client privacy.

Cost per Result for our three conversion campaigns (set to drive sales) are $3 or less. For the top campaign, we are selling a product (or products) that start at $150 each, so to pay $3 for that purchase is a steal of a deal. And look how much value these purchases drove! Over $460K in revenue. That’s how much revenue we drove for the month of May. For a total spend of only $3500. Wow!

Over $460K in revenue. For a total spend of only $3500.

Even our Email Acquisition campaign (second) and our Page Likes campaign (fourth) drove sales inadvertently, and added over $7000 in revenue to the business this month.

The results are exceptional.

So, what does all this data tell us?

YES. Social media needs to be part of your marketing strategy.

YES. You should be spending some of your advertising budget in the digital space.

YES. There has never been a better time to do it.

Set up a complimentary consultation today to discuss how we can help social media drive revenue for your business.

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