Full Service Social Media Marketing

Top Social Media Blogs You Should Be Following

Tessa-May Marr

September 29, 2015

top social media blogs to follow

You've heard the saying "two heads are better than one". While we absolutely love to see that you're following our blog, we thought it would be great to give a shout out to some of the top social media blogs out there. Social media is an ever-evolving industry with trends changing on the daily, so it's important to get as much information as you can, as regularly as possible! (Tip: Follow your favourite blogs on Twitter and check in regularly to see new and recycled posts that are shared AND subscribe to each blog so new content is delivered directly to your inbox. You'll never miss a beat!)

Social Media Examiner - A really great go-to with a butt-load of content. This is the place for keeping up on industry trends.

Hootsuite - We love the personality behind these posts. This company has got tone down to an art and it really makes for compelling articles. (We also love their Instagram account--the owl is just too cute!)

Buffer - A fellow virtual agency, with a wicked team of writers who write like they're people, not just a business. The blog is full of relevant, relatable material that might even make you chuckle.

Simply Measured - This blog is jacked full of case studies which is such a terrific way to learn! Read how other companies succeeded on social and get ideas for your own business. (Be sure to take advantage of some of the free reports from these guys, too!)

SocialBro - This is a new platform we've started using for our client accounts (as well as our own) and we've seen lots of value in the product... and the blog! They're especially good at re-capping topics covered at conferences and events (if you can't manage to get out to them all yourself).

Convince & Convert - Jay Baer's website hosts a vast collection of blogs, in an array of categories, to help you get a handle on social media and modern marketing.

#AskGaryVee - A collection of content (mostly vlog episodes and podcasts) around social media, marketing, business and success! This guy is super fun to tune into--full of energy and information.

Now this list is a great start, but we know there are a ton more out there!

What are your favourite social media blogs to follow?

#articles #blogs #socialmedia #marketing
