Full Service Social Media Marketing

How to Effortlessly Brand Your Company Across Social Media

Michelle Zaporojets

November 3, 2017

Social media is everything. Especially for businesses. Many consumers base purchases or client deals based on how a company presents themselves on social media - and a company who has a consistent brand across all platforms is typically seen as more reliable (this is especially true in marketing!)

However, branding isn’t the easiest thing to grasp; especially when there are so many different social media platforms to learn about and manage. But don’t worry - with the right steps, branding yourself across social media is easy!


There’s nothing worse than searching for a company on social media and having doubts about whether it’s the right account. While every social media platform looks different, you should ensure that aspects like your social media handle, profile image, and bio are consistent across all platforms.

Display name - try to use the same handle across all social profile. This will make it easier for customers to find you on other networks, and hopefully increase the chances of purchasing or doing business with you.

Logo - Equally as important as your display name is your logo. Never use anything other than your company’s logo as your profile image as it ensures your followers that they found your social profile and can confidently interact with you now.

Bio - This single sentence or two should not be neglected! It quickly tells your followers what your company is all about. But make sure to keep it consistent across all platforms.

For example, let’s say you’re a personal trainer who also provides YouTube videos. If you say you’re a personal trainer on Twitter, and a YouTuber on Facebook, it will likely cause confusion. Keep it consistent by writing one or the other, or both across all platforms. This goes for all brands!

Keep in mind that these things should also be consistent with your company’s website. I’m talking logo, tagline, contact information - don’t let your customers walk away from your company because they were left confused!


Before you even start posting on social media, figure out what it is you’ll be posting about. What do your ideal customers care about? If you’re a personal trainer, your ideal followers will likely want more information about the perfect workout or health benefits of certain foods.

Educate your audience by providing valuable, up-to-date information and they will in turn trust your brand more. Always provide content that’s of real value to your audience - whether that’s workout tips, home decor ideas, or new marketing trends and updates.


Choosing your brand voice can be tricky! First and foremost, you need to consider who your demographic is - how old are they? Are they in school? What type of content are they attracted to? How do they speak?

While there is no right or wrong way to set your tone, reaching out to your core demographic in a way that will catch their attention will do wonders for your business! But don’t stray too far from what you’re comfortable with. If done poorly or inconsistently, your potential customers will be left confused with mixed signals.

Shareable Content

While there is lots of curated content, such as articles and blogs, that you can share through your social channels, you won’t get far without creating some of your own content. With curated content, you’re ultimately sending your followers to an external site. In order to send your potential customers to your own website, publish some industry-related blogs onto your site and easily create some visual content using Canva. Share it across your platforms and watch your website visitors skyrocket!

However, when building visual images, keep in mind that each platform has different ideal image sizes, so tailor to each social media network while keeping each image visually consistent.

As you can see, branding on social media is all about consistency! Without a clear cohesion across all platforms, as well as your website, many potential customers will be left confused and you might miss out on their business. If you need help branding your business on social media, feel free to reach out to us for help!

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